At only 33 years old you would think it would be easy to bear it all for the camera.. Let me tell you it was one of the scariest things I have ever done. After being a slim child and teenager I found myself not being able to shed the over 80 pounds I had kept on while being pregnant twice. After the loss of my first child I was immediatly pregnant with my now 14 year old daughter. Right after her birth I found myself at 190 pounds and at only 5’ tall it looks and feels like ALOT!
After trying everything to shed the pounds I was 20 years old and still 160 pounds.. I became bulimic and anorexic .. I felt it was the only way to control my weight. I plummeted to 80 pounds in 8 months and still felt my body wasn’t good enough or thin enough…
Over the years I have learned that weight doesn’t matter if your with someone who loves you for you!
I wake up everyday doing what I love, being with people I love more than anything..
I look at the images taken of myself and think of how strong this woman is, how much she has been through and how everyday I can find something to smile about even through all the pain …and After many years of struggling with my weight issues I can finally say I am happy with the 110 pounds that I am .. wrinkles, stretch marks and all…!!
It was a great experience and I think every woman should do it!